October 9, 2009

grunge kids

Tonight Chad VanGaalen played at the Park Theatre. It was a brilliant set, half of it made up of new material. He said he was a bit embarrassed to still be touring with Soft Airplane, which hopefully means there will be a new album next year. The new material sounded great, but I was said to hear so little from his previous albums (Infiniheart was totally absent, and he only played a couple songs from Skelliconnection). It was a heavy show, and Mr. VanGaalen was as talkative as ever. He played the theme from "Friends" and discussed his bowel situation. He even consented to a request for "Poisonous Heads." Grunge is on its way back. It's about time.

My interview with him for Stylus is finally up.

And here's my review of his latest release.

I've also started doing artwork for the Uniter.

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